Thread: Skin Cancer
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Old 09-22-2011, 07:16 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
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Oh, yall have me concerned now! I have these 2 places on my back that scale and are raised. They itch sometimes and I can scratch part of them off and it's like a brownish flaking. Sounds lovely, doesn't it??

Anyway, I asked my internal med doctor and he said it was schriasis (sp); asked my rheumatologist and he said they were age spots (I'm 61). I have a few age spots on my hands which fade when I not in the sun and they don't feel the same at all. I've found only 1 that feels raised and only 1/2 of it is raised but it's not scaly and doesn't itch. Oh, I did find one on my upper thigh that felt scaly and itched but now it is the 1/2 raised and non scaly.

I'm allergic to lots of things so I tend to not treat spots or rashes as too serious unless they are painful. I can't see the spots on my back because of where they are but I can feel them.

I guess I need to see a dermatologist instead but surely my internal med doctor would know, ya think???????
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