Old 09-23-2011, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by irishrose
Queen size years ago - this time around, big lap robe - 72x80. Scrunch and work from the center out. Never have more than half a quilt to your right. I have two machines side by side so I have a large slippery surface. I used to use the ironing board, but slippery is better. Hmm, I wonder about putting vinyl from JA's on the board. It works well on the machines. FMQ is easier than SITD. You stay in one area longer so less alligator wrestling. Though I have to say, I haven't wrestled with this one and it's 72x72. Is it the plastic? I've not used it before.
That's a good idea - I might have to try making a slippery ironing board cover....
It really depends on your sewing machine and your umph-- I quilted a queen on my itty bitty Brother -- lots of squishing and pushing into the harp of the machine - but I got it done! I have an old singer now that has a much larger harp - I didn't have to push to get the quilt into the machine, but I had to pull to get it onto the table :roll: was almost done before I remembered the ironing board that was sitting right behind me!
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