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Old 09-23-2011, 07:38 PM
Google Goddess
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Central Indiana (USA)
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thanks Holice

Originally Posted by Holice
There appears to be some misunderstanding about the size of a fat quarter. There may be the false idea that all fat quarters should be 22" x 18". There is no standard other than the length. They should be 18" or 1/2 yd.
Width will depend on the width of the original fabric which can range from 40", 41", 42", 44", 45" etc. Hopefully not 39".
Therefore a fat quarter is 18" and 1/2 the width of whatever size the fabric might be.
There was a time when some of a design line was printed in the USA and some overseas. Almost always there was a difference. I have had some of the entire line which might be 8-12 pieces and they differed in width.
If a fat quarter pack is less than 18" in length then the shop should be told about it. Many of the precuts are done in a factory overseas now and not coming to us correct.
In these cases I suggest contacting the manufacturer about the problem as well as the shop where they were purchased. A recent example of this is with the Hoffman Bali Pops. A group came incorrect. The error was made overseas where they were cut. Hoffman corrected it.
So we have to get back to the source about the problem.
Even the big box stores should be told there is a problem and not the local but headquarters. We must raise our voices. With the prices now I don't want to be shorted on what I pay for. If they are cut crooked then I want someone to know about it.
Now off soap box.
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