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Old 09-24-2011, 05:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Janet Espeleta
I'm hoping to get some feedback re: a situation that I have found myself in. Last yr I donated money to both the Salvation Army and the March of Dimes. Over the past few months I have been absolutely inundated with solications from every well known charity known to mankind. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else & if someone knows of a way to get my name removed from whatever source they are getting this info from. It has really taken the joy out of my original donations! Obviously one of these charities (or maybe both of them) sold my info to the rest and this just really offends me. This yr I plan on making a donation to my local PBS station and I sure hope this doesn't open another floodgate of solications. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First, are you sure you want to donate to PBS? It's virtually controlled by George Soros now. It is no longer a truly public television, but a very liberal political mouthpiece, where only one side of the story is told. How discouraging is that? Yes, the charities DO sell your name and address, even if you ask them not to. I have a new policy... if an unsolicited solicitation comes, I feed it to my shredder (and it is very well fed these days).

MOD is fairly high on the list of charities that spend more on fundraising than they do on actual charity. There are sources on the internet where you can go and check them out. Salvation Army is good - very high ratio of service to expenses.
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