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Old 09-24-2011, 07:18 PM
Janet Espeleta
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Boonville, Missouri
Posts: 186

After reading more responses I have decided that from now on these solicitations are going to be thrown right in the waste basket before I even leave the PO! Fortunately they are being sent to my PO box and not to my home address! I'll just drop some dollar bills in to the Salvation Army bucket during the holidays as I don't need a tax deduction anyway. I was wanting to support my local PBS station because they still continue to offer a good selection of needlecraft shows, but if I do that I will do it anonymously. My dh & I used to like to watch the concerts that would be on PBS occasionally, but it was so annoying to have to spend half the time either listening to the begging for money or having to mute the sound so we don't do that much any more. As to any sort of political agenda affiliated w/PBS, I don't watch any of those types of shows on there so that wouldn't influence me one way or the other.
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