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Old 07-04-2009, 03:11 PM
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I learned a really important lesson, for me, this week! My dog bit me last Saturday evening when I had him at the groomers to be clipped. He was coming out of sedation, there was a commotion and he slipped the muzzle and bit me because I was holding his lead. Went to the ER because it really hurt, it broke the skin and my fingers felt funny. I am left handed and it was on my left hand. When asked about allergies, I told them I was allergic to supha drugs, and iodine. I was seen, the wound flushed with saline and peroxide, fingers tested for nerve damage, and I am fine. No other meds, just wrapped, and told to clean it daily, put Neosporin on it and keep it covered for a few days. Tuesday, I bought a new tube of Neosporin and used it, put a large bandaid over it and went about my business. Wednesday it itched, didn't think much about it, just thought it was healing. Thursday I left it open to the air and didn't put any more Neopsorin on it. Called my dermatoligist, no one in the office. Called my internist, and was told to stop using the Neosporin, which I had already done, and call in the morning if it was still bad. Went in to see her Friday morning, and she said I shouldn't be using Neosporin because it was a sulpha drug and I am allergic! Why would the ER DR tell me to use it when I repeated that I was allergic to suphates! My BAD for not reading the package more closley. It is a nasty red bumpy rash on the back of my left hand that is weeping. The bite wound is healing nicely, but this rash was totally unnecessary. I keep Cortizone in the house and I could have used IT.
Another lesson in being in charge of your own recovery! Just had to vent. :? Thanks.
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