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Old 09-25-2011, 10:55 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Just move back to Chattanooga, TN.
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Originally Posted by maryb44662
Originally Posted by Great-great granny
Living alone at 77, this is my 'second family'. It's where I come FIRST THING EACH AM & have my morning coffee w/friends I have something in common with - a love of quilting. It's where I come to get at least one ROFL or at least a chuckle every day.

It's where I come to share the loss of a loved one & sympathize w/others who have a great loss or burden on their heart that others help lift them up from .

It's where I know I will find at least one great tip for the day & view beautiful creations from people who REALLY CARE.

It's where I receive another beautiful blessing each day.

Hope each of you have a blessed day & all your quilts are filled w/love. :lol:
YUP!!! AM, NOON and PM are my sign in times. I love the way you put it Great-Great Granny. I am in the same boat and LOVE this board and ALL the wonderful folks here. Love to everyone, and have a Blessed Day!!!! Mary
Ditto to what has been said.

When I say this topic on Carping, I wondered if she mis-spelled something and she did not like her carpeting. Boy, was I wrong.
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