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Old 09-25-2011, 07:26 PM
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It is a good policy for business' to have. More theft is caused by all employees than by customers.

Eeons ago, I was what was called a Store Detective. In other words, I spotted and picked up shoplifters. The customers were pretty easy to locate. It was the employees, one inparticular, that were hard to catch in the act. She stole hundreds of thousands of dollars of high end womens dresses over a period of about 15 years. My boss said If I actually caught her in the act, heard her conspire to, or caught one of her relative/friends shoplifting, that there would be a good monetary bonus in it for me. I tried everything I could. You know the old saying, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" applied to her. Came awfully close to nabbing her, but never did. She was tricky and good.

My nephew works at a Walmart in CT. About two weeks ago, he spottd a TV where it didn't belong. He told security, they aimed the camera, caught the employee trying to take it out the back door.

One good thing about working as a Store Detective - my DH was the cop that came to arrest an 83, yes, 83 year old that had shoplifted over $500 worth of merchandise. Remember, this was over 38 years ago and $500 was a felony. The cop and I married and still going strong.
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