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Old 09-26-2011, 04:00 AM
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Location: Aurora IL
Posts: 116

Not only is it a policy for JoAnn employees anyone else that is in the building on the clock for another business (such as the guy there installing new light bulbs and the cleaning crews and anyone there working on the computer system and also the lost protection person )is technically subject to this as well including even the CEO is subject. I was in a JoAnns when they had the big mucky mucks visiting and everyone including the CEO or COO or whatever his actual title is now had to have a bag check. Again if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to hide. And yes they are now asking the cashiers to check the folds of the fabric as they discovered that people are tucking beads and other notions inside the folds and the cashiers were missing the opportunity to charge the customer for them. I am not saying and JoAnns is not saying that the customer is trying to steal anything but again you can see how it happens. Think about this a package of beads can cost upwards of $10 and you have 4-5 packages in there. It can really add up. Also if you have ever been to the grocery store over the last 30 years you will realize that there is a reason that the cashiers there have those stickers that they put on the gallons of milk and other large items that are usually placed under the cart. In fact when I was a cashier oh so many years ago (try 30 +) we were instructed that we had to take the time to go around the counter and check under the cart to make sure that we rang everything that the customer was taking out to their car.
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