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Old 09-26-2011, 04:25 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Dillsburg, PA
Posts: 314

I worked in retail at Montgomery Ward and they never checked anything. I worked in the sewing machine/vaccuum cleaner dept. It was tied to the electronics dept. where back then they sold 33RPM albums and single 45RPM records. Those things were ALWAYS growing legs.

Years later I worked for a carpet/wallpaper outlet. We sold both...we calculated and ordered wallpaper for customers and also had in stock paper and borders. Jody and I worked together and we spotted someone swiping borders off of one of the racks and putting them in her purse. We were not allowed to approach anyone...had to call for a manager. So one of us called and the manager said...Philip (owner's son) said to just let it go...they didn't want to offend anyone or falsely accuse someone and the store have a "bad reputation". Okay.....whatever then. Never reported anyone again.

Many years ago there was a huge store similar to Walmart called Woolco...that was an anchor store at one of the malls where we lived. Appliances began going missing. This was just before the time when stores were open on Sunday in my area of PA. I don't remember if it was camera survelience or someone checking the store...but there was a truck backed up to the loading dock in the back and these guys were caught loading appliances on the truck. One of them turned out to be one of the town police officers who was working part time security at Woolco. This officer had been with the police dept. for many years. What a scandal that was!!!
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