Old 09-26-2011, 08:49 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Delmarva Peninsula
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I wish that I could make that many so fast, and complete them too!!! I am lucky if I finish 1 or 2 a year. I seem to lose interest, or love to shop for fabric too much, spend too much time on this site, or fabshophopping. I am trying to be better. this year I have 2 almost ready.

Originally Posted by oldpiglady
I've only been into quilting for 3 1/2 yrs. When my Mom and sister found out...the first thing they told me was NOT to make anything for them! One Christmas I got brave. I made one for my sister that was very, very simple. All I did was buy fleece remnants, cut into 5" squares, and sewed them all back togther. I tied it because I didn't know what else to do. It had a flannel backing. She absolutely loved it!!! After a couple of months I was showing off another more involved top. She made sure she wasn't going to receive it... Months later, I made a modified log cabin quilt. Took it to Mom's and put it on her bed. Weeks later, my brother called asked if I could make him one just like it. So I grabbed another quilt I had finished. Cat blocks. Went to Mom's bed again, gave the first one to my brother and gave Mom the newer one. But I've been told "No more". I have made a dozen since. I promised my other brother he could have my very favorite for Christmas coming. Other than that...I keep making them and no one wants them. I find I love them so much when they are done, I just want to keep them anyway. Mom took hers off the bed because she wanted to save it. I put it back on the bed. The sad news is that now her mind is rapidly failing and she isn't even aware it is folded on the chair beside her bed. Hasn't a clue to use it. I usually just read all your posts. Have only commented a couple of times. But I so look forward to reading all the wonderful things you all have to say to each other . Just wanted to say thanks for the entertainment. Ha ha ha
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