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Old 09-26-2011, 08:46 PM
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Posts: 304

Does anyone here have any experience with this? Do you have or had a dog with this disease? If so, please tell me what you know and how your experience was.

A few weeks ago I posted that I needed prayers for my furbaby Buddy who we thought had cancer in his stomach somewhere based on an xray that was done at the emergency vet clinic. We scraped up enough money to have exploratory surgery done at our vet, what he found was Buddy's liver was covered in nodules, my vet claimed it was cancer of the liver based on the way it looked. We payed extra to have a piece of his liver removed and sent away for a biopsy, the results came back not cancer...THANK GOD, but we still don't know what is wrong with Buddy. He has all the symptoms of Cushing's disease. We have already spent 2000 on him thanks to the help of my sister, and I am currently trying to sell everything and anything I can to come up with the few hundred that we need in order to do the test to see if he does in fact does have Cushings disease. If he does in fact have this it will be fatal if left untreated.

I was just curious if anyone does or did have a furbaby that had this and was treated, how did the treatment work for you? Did you have good luck or was it not such a good idea? Any help or info is very much appreciated. Please keep him in your prayers!
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