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Old 09-27-2011, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Steady Stiching
NOTE: Frixon pens do work great...however if you stick your quilt in the freezer the marks come back as clear as ever. My concern is that if you make a quilt as a gift at the xmas party...the recipeint leaves it in their car overnight, it gets cold. Marks will be there, might cause trouble if they don't ask how to re-remove the marks.
I did do this as a test in my freezer when I inadverntently ironed out my marks (duh)
OMG! who knew??? so the markings are there for life, only incognito ?? THANKS for the icy car trunk example... never would have thought of something like that.

Is this board great for helpful hints and suggestions, or what?
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