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Old 09-29-2011, 08:02 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
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I have been having trouble when I pull up the bobbin thread knowing which side if the loose end of the bobbin thread. Many times while I was trying to decide I would be pulling on the bobbin thread instead of the loose end. Today I decided to try one side or the other and see if that made a difference. It seems like on my brother sewing machine CS6000i, the loose end of the bobbin thread is on the right side when you pull the bobbin thread thru for quilting. I have tried it several times on the quilt I am currently working and it has been correct every time. This helps a lot because you aren't pulling on the bobbin thread and therefore unwinding the bobbin and having this long bobbin thread that will eventually cut off, thereby wasting thread. I just thought I would share this idea so the rest of you could test your machines and maybe you all already knew about this and I was the only one in the dark.
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