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Old 09-29-2011, 07:47 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Heber Springs, Arkansas
Posts: 14

Let me join everyone else in saying "GO!" I'm 71 and just returned from a road trip to Washington D.C. with my oldest daughter. When she asked if I would take her I agreed only if she would let me go to the quilt museum in Harrisonburg, VA and other quilt shops along the way. Granted I really didn't get to go to many quilt shops (they were closed as I passed them) BUT I did go to the museum and it was worth the time, the money, and the long drive. It was awesome! I left home while I was developing a respiratory infection but I called my physician and got anti-biotics to take on the way. The first day or two was tiring but I think the anticipation of seeing beautiful quilts was just the medicine I needed.

I've decided I'm too old to put off the things I want to do. My daughter sat in the car and crocheted and pouted while I went into the quilt and fabric shops in Harrisonburg. But that was HER problem--not mine. I had a blast. Now, after reading all this I'm planning a trip to Paducah but will go by myself this time and spend all day every day in the shops and restaurants you girls have so graciously suggested in your replies.

Keep the spark in your marriage when hubby is with you but get into all the quilting "trouble" you can afford while he is occupied with his work. You will be making memories for the years ahead when you can't do what you want to do. Never pass up what may never come around again.
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