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Old 09-30-2011, 05:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Ramona Byrd
grain free and we kept him off insulin until he left us at age 18!
This makes me ask myself just why on earth am I feeding my CATS grains? I'm going to look at their diets cats I've seen have EVER, in their lives, hunted for grains. It's lots cheaper than meats, but cats evolved eating meats.

Due to money concerns, most folks can feed their cats commercial foods, but those with lots of money to spend on their fur babies (wish I did) can feed them a more natural diet.

I no longer fish..perhaps I should start again, no longer hunt..well, not likely to start again, gotta go to PetSmart and see what they have like that. Did get some kibble made from cat loved it and the other acted like I was feeding her rat poison!!!
Rat poison LOL

We used to feed the green pea and duck but switched to the green pea and chicken. The best thing I love about the Natural Balance food (some others too) is that there is no dye. So when you get that inevitable upchuck on the carpet it does NOT stain!

Miss Teddi is allergic to grains. She was getting Friskies canned pate style when young and I goofed and grabbed some gravy style. One can sent her from chronic icky ears to acute overnight. Her poor little ears were red and swollen nearly shut!
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