Old 10-03-2011, 10:03 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by purplemem
OMG! Missy, so grateful you are okay.

For those who "push" food, they are the ones with the problem. You could be blunt and just say, "I don't like that product."

It is time for me to "weed" my closet too. I have too many clothes that are "memories" instead of wardrobe.

I went to lunch with dh and ate only half of my meal. That is a victory in portion control.

Keep on chugging water, folks! It's sooooo good for you.
Oh my gosh,so glad your ok too.How scary.Yes,you were under gods protection alright!.Yes,I need to weed out my things too.Some of those are so big,I'll never wear them again.Nor do I ever plan on it.I check the scales every 3 days so not to go there again.Even if I gain some,I can stop it and get it off before it grows into a 100 pound blob of fat again like I was.Now that would take a while to gain that much.Just like it's taking awhile to get it off.I got 30 pounds to go yet.And it's not moving or budging very fast,So,I am going to try to lose 10 pounds this month.At least.I feel bloated now from these pills I'm on.They make me hungry all the time.My appetite is enormous.And I've not had any problems in yrs with that.So decided to go on Spirutein for 3 weeks.Beside I also have a cracked lip and every time I open my mouth it splits open and bleeds and burns.So,another reason to drink my meals.It will keep my mouth SHUT.LOL!But of course,now I can post again.I'm feeling better and will start posting a few times a day to keep up with what's going on.Ok girls!you know the drill.Lets get er done!! and get it off!!!!!!!!!!!!Slap those hands back,and for gods sake,STAY OUT OF THE CANDY! or the ghouls will come for you!
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