Old 10-04-2011, 09:26 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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I do interval walking, but I have shorter times between than 5 minutes. I probably walk 45 seconds very quickly with arm movement and then regular speed for a minute. I usually do it the last half of my walk after my muscles are warmed up. Skipped it Sat and Sun, but was able to add it back in yesterday. Today?? I had a bad night last night.

MJ, did you ask your cardiologist about bed rest? I hope you like your doctor better than I do mine. He is so hung up on cholesterol less the 149 total that he has tunnel vision. When I feel the need for a visit, I will try another one. I liked my one downstate, but he has to be retired and would be way to far away. Here, I've had better luck with an internist. I understand the need to get out, but walking through stores isn't always the easiest. At least you have your husband to deal with those carts. Can you sit out on your patio or is it still too hot?

Cindy, you've already been functioning with less than full lung capacity so with the tumor out, you should feel better quickly. Still in my prayers.

Jeanne, no one hates housework more than I do. I have to quilt this month so I have an excuse. The bazaar is Nov 5. They aren't going to postpone it if I don't have my quilt ready. I do have to work outside while I can. I wish I felt strong enough to wash the house under the carport today. Ha!

Strange I'm not losing weight when I can't eat much, but any time I don't gain is fine with me.

Xylie, you could give us lessons in being self sufficient. Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Have you set your mind on an unrealistic goal weight again? You can't have 28 pounds to lose. I have a friend with a bigger boner structure than me who is about our height. She has dieted down to 140 or 145 and people are constantly asking me if she has a terminal disease. I do not want to look like a walking skeleton.

One quilt may be done. I have to say 'may' because I thought I was done once, but it needed more quilting. As much as I want to do the wildlife one for my son, I need to work on the bazaar one. I am whining again?

Jeanne, love 'One day at a time,' but I'd like to see I AM doing this. CAN denotes the future and we want this NOW.

I AM losing weight and getting healthier.
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