Old 10-04-2011, 02:15 PM
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Location: Victoria, Australia
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Gday Lori,
I am just trying to catch up with all the Boards msg's and there is so many. I work full time and only get the time after work or on the w/ends to try and catch up.
On reading through i see that Marty is getting through her treatment. I remember 5 and 1/2 years ago on his 21st bday, when my son was going through the same thing, he had a rare Leukaemia and they didn't know how to treat it, so just hit him hard with radiotherapy and all the cancer drugs. It was hard to go through, but he had such a great sense of humour and made all laugh around him, which made it easier for him. There was one time where he had to walk the corridors of the hospital with his IV stand in tow and a sign on his back stating back log of wind, fall back, and the nurses would clock him each time he passed their station. We are now 2011 and he his a beautiful healthy young man now married. All my love and heart felt goes to you and yours through this time. {{{hugs}}}

Lori Peercy wrote:
Hi everyone, back from the cancer center with Marty for her 3rd chemo treatment she is toleranting hem so well gas had no nausea at all. I keep kidding her about clumps of hair falling out but that hasn't happened yet either! Sounds like everyone is all excited about this month's swap and I hope we have a better month with no late mailers! Beautiful day here treesa are changing colors and the sun is shining.
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