Old 10-04-2011, 05:13 PM
Pam 304
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
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Posts: 106

Originally Posted by Beachbound
Originally Posted by purplemem
Originally Posted by Beachbound
Originally Posted by Pam H
I just got home from an afternoon outing with friends. We stopped for.....yes, you guessed it......a snack! I don't know that I can go without a snack between lunch and dinner. My body doesn't like that and would most likely give me a migraine. I will have to wait for next week's taboo item.
The taboo is only a suggestion,I know I went "whoa!" when I read it too. If giving up all snacks is too hard, try for 1 less or even one day of no snacks. And make sure you PM me your suggestions so we can try those too. :thumbup:
I understand the taboo was "excessive snacks". As a diabetic I have 3 meals and 3 snacks every day. I'm sure that is not the taboo, it is to get up and graze outside of your food plan. Correct?
That makes sense to me. I just wrote what she put in her PM to me but of course there is a big difference in eating a bowl of ice cream or having an apple. Taboo tuesday may need some adjusting, lol. I was thinking also that I am a huge sucker for the ole gold star/pat on the back. Maybe those who manage to get thru the week can be on the 'honor roll' that week & we can all congrat them.
At TOPS we did specify it as no snacks except the morning and afternoon and bedtime ones. We would all go crazy.... in our group anyway..LOL LOL LOL Sorry about the confusion. Everyone was mad at the person who put in Diet Coke.. we even had on person to put tufu as a good for you food. That was just not right... and Brussel sprouts I DID NOT appreciate :-(

Hey! we need spell check on here. I can't spell
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