Old 10-05-2011, 07:45 PM
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I don't know about 10, but there are some basic commandments that I seem to break over and over and over and over again!

1. Thou shalt sew right sides together. Right. I just made 8 half square triangles - thinking about putting RST as I went and ... 4 of them are wrong. Four. It's light fabric and you have to look really close, but ... really? Four of them?

2. Thou shalt have thread in thy bobbin. I thought a 42" seam was my record, but then remembered quilting a diagonal on a quilt and ... no bobbin. Happily sewing away with ... no. bobbin. thread.

3. Thou shalt have a threaded machine needle. If I cut it too short - and somehow I often cut it too short - the thread pulls out of the needle. I can sew quite a while without thread, too! (I've had machines where you had to hold the thread or it would pull through, but this one you're not supposed to do that. Most of the time that works.)

ADDED: (I knew there was another one!)
4. Though shalt change machine feet when thou changest stitches. That's an oldie, but a goodie!

Sometimes I just amaze me!
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