Old 10-06-2011, 07:31 AM
Connie M.
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Location: Western Montana
Posts: 414

Amen to that. Just last night, I was making a Saturday Market Bag for myself and I sewed the pocket piece wrong twice, then sewed the second one wrong also. I had such a talk with myself. If I spoke to anyone else the way I talked to myself, I'd have no friends at all.Some times its best to just bak away from the machine, so no one getas hurt!!
Originally Posted by sewtruterry
Thou shall sew and ye shall rip and rip and rip and rip. How many times do you have to sew the seam over and over and over again before you give up and say that is good enough. My "record" so far is 7 times. I kid you knot. I was ready to pull my hair out until I realized that I had twisted the one block by 90 degrees. That is when I realized the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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