Thread: Hi from Ireland
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Old 10-06-2011, 01:11 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Wexford, ireland
Posts: 191

Hi everyone-Wow I am overwhelmed by your warm greetings- its so kind of you. I am really happy to meet you and I am sure I will learn a lot here. it sounds like fun as well. I am self taught, so have only picked up skills from books, magazines and youtube, which ahs been interesting.
I live in the very South East of Ireland in Wexford- about two hours away from Cork. Our County is called 'the sunny south east'!
We had two fabric shops in our town abut 10 years ago but both have closed down. The nearest now is in Dublin,(nearly two hours away)the range is Ok but expensive- roughly 15 dollars a metre (just a few inches over a yard) for the same that you would see at 4 dollars maybe on some of the sites over your way.But nothing like the choice I see online. Have to check Connecting Threads now, Judith- thanks very much!
I come from an arts background but I developed Lyme disease about 10 years ago,undiagnosed here, but eventually treated four years ago in the U.K.-in recovery at the moment- so have a bit of spare time at home now!!
I think this is such a great site- there is so much on here, and one is never finished learning. There is so much information and help, so am really looking forward to getting to know you all.
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