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Old 10-06-2011, 02:44 PM
Pieceful Quilter
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southern California
Posts: 880

Oh no, now I have to add the "other perspective"! A person who knows me well, and knows I am an avid perfectionist quilter decided to make me a Christmas quilt.

She has never quilted, but decided she could do this, because, "How hard can it be?" She chose fabrics that did not look good together, tied it sloppily, and the binding was a disaster. It is so tiny it doesn't even qualify as a crib quilt.

I know this gift was from the heart, but in the interest of being honest, I don't really enjoy having something so shoddy.

I know I am probably going to get a ton of replies telling me I am a snob. But haven't many of you received a gift you did not like, but were obligated to put it on display anyway?

Anyway - just the other perspective...
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