Old 10-06-2011, 03:39 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Cadillac, MI
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nanci, I've had a similar reaction several times. As long it confines itself to the upper arm, I don't worry.

Is yours an open MRI machine? I think the Valium and the open machine were Godsends for me in June, but it was my lower spine, not my head, that needed examining. I could look out some wide windows and see pretty trees in the evening sunshine while the machine was doing its thing.

Pam, H. That's a very pretty jacket. Your MIL will love it.

Judy here. Judith to be exact. Try being born when Judy Garland was singing, "Over the Rainbow'. 100 in my graduating class, so 50 girls. 5 of us were Judy. My best friend and I were both Judy H.

Starving today, so I must be getting better. I finished my faux Pasta Primevara, so what's next?? It may be a good time to get out of the kitchen. The salmon and sweet potatoes sounds wonderful.

I have a $15 card to spend at the LQS. Do I get a circle template I've been eyeing or do I save it for my next necessary purchase?

Lynne, thank you for reminding me that I forgot a label for my DD's quilt. I avoid hand sewing like the plague, but I will gladly do that. I also need to quickly learn candlewicking to complete a block for the bazaar quilt. I need Laura's quilt out of here. The longer it lays on the back of the couch, the more it wants to stay here. Label tonight, delivery with a pineapple up side down cake tomorrow.

Answer to question: No, you don't have to post your weight or your losses. Those are optional, but we do like to hear them. Nothing succeeds like success, plus once it's posted it's more real and less likely to go up, in my case. I'm down 2 pounds - so now it's in print and not allowed to go back up.

I am losing weight and getting healthier.
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