Old 10-06-2011, 07:56 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Bosque County, Texas
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You have to kill the insects first. They will travel up your body until they like a spot, then dig in, literally. As long as they are alive they will bite and their saliva will make you itch. If they bite deeply the bite has to heal and will itch while it heals and some people react to the bite by intense itching. Other people itch a little while and quit.
If you are getting new bites, the insects are still alive and traveling. A magnifying glass will show them as little red dots. You have to kill them or you will stay their host.
Camphor is a good choice to kill them and stop the itch. the fingernail polish will kill them by preventing them from breathing. Good luck. Usually insect repellant will prevent them from getting on you, something like Deep Woods Off with Deet. Normally they are found on tall grass and get on your ankles and socks or jeans and travel where ever they can. They live a pretty long time considering, and they seem to be pretty hungry.
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