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Old 10-07-2011, 06:50 AM
Farm Quilter
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Originally Posted by Caswews
ITs time for a new life to begin as the seasons do,and sounds like you have taken the road that you want to be on, an will embrace it. Quilting and sewing is therapy - it takes the mind into a zone of its own. It truly helps when you have like minded people who enjoy quilting and sewing to help you along that road.. Good luck and if ya need an ear, I am sure none of us will mind if you pm !!
Caswews is right about the therapy and the fact that many of us have walked the road you are on and would be willing to be PMed, exchange phone numbers and chat when you need/want it. You gave it your best shot for 22 years, now it is a time for you. The best is yet to come (I left after 23 years and wonder now, 10 years after the fact, what took me to long!). :thumbup: love ya, our quilting sister :D
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