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Old 10-08-2011, 12:32 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by quilter in the making
Not have let my first husband take away my self-esteem, confidence and sense of self-worth. We've been divorced for 9 years after 27 years of marriage and I still struggle daily with these feelings which have affected me in so many ways. Couple that with a mentally ill sister who does everything possible to diminish me further and cause divisions between others in the family. I guess to sum it up, I would like a do-over to be able to recognize toxic people and rid my life of their drama much earlier.

I am so very blessed with three incredible children, two beautiful and healthy grandsons and a second husband who loves me for just who I am and says I would not be the person I am without living all the previous years exactly as I did.
OH - Do I soooo agree with you about toxic people! My mother is the toxic one in my life who caused so many divisions between myself and my brothers and their families. I have decided it is for my best health to stay clear of her and the drama she has caused in my life although I do feel very, very sorry for her. She is 82, lives alone and just sits in her house at her kitchen table all day. No one comes to visit her -- not even my 3 brothers. So what does that tell you?
I LOVE her lots; but I don't Like her -- if you know what I mean. You would think that at 82 she would want to see all her children get along and get together without incidences.
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