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Old 10-09-2011, 03:27 AM
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Originally Posted by charismah
A do over....

So many things have shaped who I am??? I always say the hard things I go through in life are growing pains.
I don't know that I would change anything....I had a horrible childhood that I am still sorting out sometimes.....I am overweight (fat) I should have taken better care of myself (emotional eater)...I married my high school sweetheart who didn't ever want to quilt dating...LOL .Got a divorce......and here I am!

I am re-married...for almost 9 years now...6 children..blended family..His, Mine, ours and somebody else's and I wouldn't change a thing!

I struggle currently because I am a full-time mother, Quilter and student. SO many of you said education....I always think this to myself.."why didn't you do this earlier?" and I have come to the conclusion that I probably wouldn't have tried as hard...after suffering without and education...I now appreciate what I missed out on...I will graduate next SUMMER!!!

On the flip side:
I can see so many of my own qualities that I hate in myself, in my makes my have empathy for her because I know the road she will is difficult to watch but in some weird way I just assume she will be OK...after all I made right?
she sacrifices herself for everyone around her..she doesn't like anyone to be uncomfortable..she tunes into everyone else but not herself...oh the list goes on...I felt guilty for teaching her these things...just by example...but in the end sometimes those can be good qualities right?

So I will just pray for her. God Loves her more than I do..he will guide her.

Leatheflea...You re so funny! I bleach my hair too...but I am actually thankful I started that habit because now that I am getting gray hairs nobody notices..LOL

Sometimes looking at older pictures ..I do say to myself...Thank GOD you quit dyeing your own hair! And in some cases....WOW how could you let your roots get that long? Or who talked you into that hair style?? LOL
Congrats on being close to graduation! I got my BS at 36 and my Masters at 44. We are better students by far than the usual 21 year old because we have life experience (boy, do we!) and know what we want and are determined to get it!!!!! What is your degree in?
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