Thread: How many UFO's?
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Old 10-09-2011, 01:46 PM
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Location: Nowhere'sville Ohio (Yorkville!)
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It seems that my entire life is like my sewing! Everything is a UFO's stored away and unfinished, can't remember what I started, or how many.

I walk into a room, can't remember what I walked in for! Make a list, forget to read it again! Open the fridge, what am I looking for? Turn on the iron to let it heat up, forget about it and leave the house! Run water in the dishpan, walk away because it is too hot. Forget about it and come back and it is cold! Have to start all over again.

Sewing lets me feel some kind of accomplishment, whether I finish it or not! With sewing I can put things into a box, nice and neat, all the pieces together, the pattern, the flosses that match, the buttons or ribbons I bought to go with it. The fabric, some cut, some not. I can store it and come back to it. It is a visual cue, a reminder of what to do! I have 10 boxes all crammed with UFO's, sorted and put into freezer bags to keep everything separate, but together, so I don't lose track of it. I need more boxes! LOL

My mind sees a picture on the Net and an idea springs up. I have to gather everything together because if I don't and the memory fades, I will never think of it again! My computer is full of folders with imagined quilts, embroidery, purses, vests, pillows, clothing. Folders and sub-folders! These are my WHIMMs, but hidden on my computer because I can't remember enough to keep them in my mind. All like my pizza boxes.

It looks like I am being obsessive compulsive, but I am really not. I just can't remember, until I open a box. Sometimes I find myself pleasantly surprised! The automatic recall that everyone uses without thinking about it, does not work on me. I think I am destined to store UFO's for all eternity! LOL LOL :-D :-D :-D
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