Thread: Second tote
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Old 10-12-2011, 07:19 PM
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A friend asked if my gun would fit in the first one, and I told her no. It will fit this one, lol. I do admit to being one of the pistol packing females, but would not carry a gun in this tote. I like mine nice and secure.

I have been thinking about designing myself a new purse that I can carry my .38 in that would be comfy to carry, but would carry the gun safely secured, but allow me easy access, too.

I have been attacked (several times) by a dog who was not controlled by his idiot owner who FINALLY got the idea once they put him in jail, and informed him that he would be paying $1500 for a license to keep the dog, and that I had permission to shoot the dog. (I think the sheriff may have suggested that I could shoot him, too). Some people apparently can learn when approached in the right way. $$$$ and .38.

I also had to deal with a stalker, sicced on me by his mother, who sincerely hoped I would shoot him and put her out of misery. Fortunately, the law finally ran him out of state, and had a long talk with her. The sheriff told me to keep the gun on me, because they couldn't keep me safe 24/7. So it is part of my basic gear. Comb, wallet, chapstick, Smith & Wesson, lol.

BTW, I have had a carry permit since we moved down here, and I learned to shoot when I was 18....long long time ago, in a rock quarry. You get real good, real fast, lol.
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