Old 10-13-2011, 11:12 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
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Originally Posted by koko
Wish I had an embroidery machine =(
My husband got it for me last Christmas. Here is how this came about. He has never been good with remembering Mother's Day. And then after I become very unhappy, he forgets my birthday two weeks later. Well two years ago he (AND my son) really outdid themselves. That Christmas I got a pair of 99 cent stretchy child's gloves. Yep. That's right. Needless to say, I was exceptionally hurt. We went to my sister's house for Christmas dinner. It is also her birthday. I wore those tiny child sized gloves all day. They came up halfway up my hands and the "crotch" of the fingers came up to my knuckle.

So ... after that not too happy Christmas, he started saving up his pennies. End result - embroidery machine. I never got anything that nice from him before, and probably never will again. This year for my birthday I bought myself a thread collection. I am making very good use of it.

And that's the end of that semi-horrible story. Love him anyway. He puts up with me and that is saying a lot.
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