Old 10-13-2011, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by JHolm
Good morning everyone. Lots of good news on the board today.

Cindy, I'm so happy that they got all the cancer. I'm sure recovery will take some time but hang in there it will come. My prayers are with you.

Missy, I don't know what to say. Congratulations. That is such a huge accomplishment to graduate from Impact to Care. Some people never get the chance to do that. You have work so hard to improve yourself in so many areas of your life all at the same time I am just so proud of you. Say hi to Cathie - My prayers are for both of you.

I've been some what frustrated with my weight and somewhat ashamed. I know I told everyone that in the early 80's I had stomach stapling surgery. It went well and I lost in excess of 100 lbs. I got down to 102 and my doctor told me that was to low and work at getting back to about 120. I did that and stayed there for several years but then went throu several stressful events in my life and ate myself back up to 233. In 2006 I was diagnosed with diabetis and decided to get serious following a diabetic diet as my dad had died of diabetis. I followed the diet and loss 130 lbs which brought me back to 103. I was happy. The doctor I see now has not said that's to low although I do look like a skeleton. But now my weight has crawled back up to around 120. So my question Do I just try to maintain at 120 or do I try to loose to get back around 103. I can't talk to my weight loss doc because he has passed away and primary care physician is happy with me at either weight. Please give advise. I scared to death that my weight will crawl up to 233 again.
Oh thank you so so much! It is not easy to have schizophrenia. The voices and the people that I see (not now thankfully though) can be very scary. When my psychiatrist put me on cloziril the whole world opened up for me. Taking my meds exactly as Dr Hicks has prescribed them has made the difference in living and just being alive. Does that make sense? Anyway...life is not always fair but I am happy with what my life is now. I have someone that loves me with all her heart and I have family that loves me too. AND I have all of you guys that love me too!! For that I am most grateful.

You guys are the best! Please hang in there Jeanne. Big HUGS!

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