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Old 10-13-2011, 01:44 PM
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Obviously you done understand. I think of it more as a religion that an addiction.
When you go to church you kneel at the alter and pray. When I go to a fabric store I often kneel to get to the fabric I want and pray that there is enough of what I want.
When we go to Church we acknowledge that there are miracles in this world that are not understandable. When I sew I know there are miracles in this world and I am just thankful for them.
When we go to Church we are taught that there are powers more in control of things that ourselves and we must trust in them. When I go into a fabric store I pray that there are powers more in control than I that will help me control my spending and drooling over all of those wonderful fabrics.
One of the things I pray for most is NOT to find a 12 step program for this religion (addiction) which would result in a cure as I enjoy it way too muhc.
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