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Old 10-14-2011, 03:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Deborahlees
I have a dear friend that 'had to have' the BSR Bernina, ended up not liking it at all....I use my simple Bernina 840 for all my free motion...and am very happy....recently got a Flynn frame and for the large pieces I do I am very happy. May I suggest you make something small, a banner, wall quilt, table runner....and then try FMQ on it with your standard machine, just drop your feedogs....and away you is a eye/hand/foot it will take some time, just do some simple stippleing.....I have found that you want the machine to go pretty fast and your hand medium to medium slow.....may I also suggest to go to the John Flynn website and watch him with his frame....just because you can afford a new machine does not mean you need a new machine....If I had the space and money I would consider a long arm machine....but I would have to think about 'how much will I really use it' as compared to even renting time on a machine at a quilt shop.
Just my two cents for the day
My experience is that when people have trouble with the BSR it's operator error. If you believe you can wave fabric under a BSR and it will come out perfectly you will be disappointed. If you practice with it just a bit, after being shown by someone who understands the product, you can produce fantastic results! As with everything education and competent dealer support is everything.
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