Thread: Cat odor
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Old 10-15-2011, 04:17 AM
Nancy S.
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Originally Posted by mary quite contrary
Thank you for all of your input.

The cat is going to the vet. Good advice. Thanks

I'm getting a wood floor.

It is cement underneath the carpet and we are scrubbing that with the enzyme formula cleaner. Thankfully it was in the middle of the room so no walls are involved.

What a mess I have in the mean time.

The bad thing about wood floors is in between the floor planks urine can get trapped so you are in the same boat and forget about getting any smell out of that. Sorry to put a wrinkle in your remedy I have wood floors thoughout my house so I know of what I speek other than I have dogs that decide they need to mark. I guess if you get new floors don't have pets. I love my pets too much.
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