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Old 07-16-2009, 09:48 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Originally Posted by JoanneS
Poor Harley is licking his leg - maybe 'cause he can't understand why it hurts. Hope the meds work really fast.

And WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT THE CHOCOLATE!!!!! WE DON'T HAVE SEE'S IN CT, AND I REALLY MISS IT though I really don't need it. can order it online. That's how Kay got hers. :) :) :)
Do they sell it in Arizona?
But, you do have to's REALLY good!

I sure hope Harley gets to feeling better. Hope it's just the heat bothering him and not anything else.
I know the heat is bothering me today. I just got back a few minutes ago, and am now trying to cool off. When it gets too hot and humid, all I really want to do is sleep, sleep, sleep!
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