Thread: Cat odor
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Old 10-15-2011, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by mary quite contrary
Our female cat has decided to mark her territory in my carpeted sewing room. I have shampooed the carpet with regular carpet shampoo. I looked at some options online but my question is do any of them really work. I'd be happy with a wood floor in there which is what we will do if we tear out the carpet but is that what we need to do or can I get it out?

Thanks in advance for your help.
I hate to tell you but once they go the odor will go into your hardwood floors it's hard to get out . But here's what you might try. I use to drive truck and when we hauled raw chicken the trl would really stink afterwards even after it was washed out. So we would get a can of coffee cheap and put it on the floor and closed it up. It would take the smell out. So you might want to put some ground up coffee in a lid or a sock type thing or just try rubbing it into the place gently and see if that works.Sprinkle some on the carpet all over and leave it there a bit then vaacumm and see if that works. I hope it will
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