Old 10-15-2011, 08:20 PM
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Well today was a good day, I managed to do a load of laundry. Now all I have to do is get it out of the dryer and put it all away. Small steps. I am hoping to go back to my place in the next few days. Will have to go to the grocery store before I can go back.

The pain levels are getting better, not having to take the pain meds every 4 hours, getting closer to 6-8 hours but the more I start doing I may have to go back to every 4 hours.

I feel as if I have the babies foot up in my ribs as when you are pregnant. Please remove the foot...........ugh coz my baby is now 23 yrs old. and I still remember that feeling. I really am ready for some normal feelings.

Have a blessed day.

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