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Old 10-16-2011, 03:31 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Nowhere'sville Ohio (Yorkville!)
Posts: 290

Originally Posted by Grambi
KastleKitty, thanks for the links, and insect outlines, but especially, thanks for the words of encouragement. It's nice to hear that it is possible to make something so beautiful without years of practice. Once I learned to do a French Knot I also fell in love with it. Will have to check out candlewicking (or add it to my endless list of things I want to learn).
Many years back I was asked to contribute to a going away gift in the form of one quilt block. At the time I was not a quilter. I was intimidated by the whole thing! At a loss to know what to do or even how to start, I came across a candlewicking pattern. I had done slightly more embroidery than quilting, (what is slightly more than zero? LOL) but still had no confidence. All of my sewing background was in clothing construction! But because candlewicking is mostly knots, I thought I would give it a try. I absolutely loved it. Now, years later I read that most people avoid the French knot in embroidery because it is so hard! I see this written over and over again, and it makes me laugh because out of ignorance I picked it thinking it would be easy. And it really is, as you say yourself. And I love it too!

This board is great! It has helped to increase my productivity a lot because I get to interact with people who share my passion. I have new incentive to finish UFO's. Grambi, here is another UFO that probably dates back 25 years or more! I think I have to put it on my current to-do list! It is a piece of candlewicking.
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