Old 10-16-2011, 04:30 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: my heart is in texas, philly and london
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cindy-- glad you and lucy are reunited! you look so serene! i'm lying here with 2 cats and a dog on a twin size bed, and i'm twin size too! not much room for rolling over !lol! silly furbabies! there is a slight chill in the air so they are all touching me. poor monkey is all alone in the recliner-i kinda envy her(smile).
jeanne--you will always be welcome! love your encouragement and caring!
irish---take it easy! don't want you and moira going for a lake swim! bet it feels really cold already. we are still dealing with global warming here in philly. not nearly as chilly as i like it for october. this is the month of the octo-mom and we are all grateful not to be her, bless her heart!(you southern belles know what i mean!) for northerners; it is a tried and true tradition in the south that you can say ANYTHING about someone as long as you bless their heart before or after. ex: that gertie, bless her heart, can't find her way out of a closet without a map. she's so stupid even the dog won't follow her. bless her still beating heart.( best said with a drawl or twang). my aunt in vermont used to say, ' that george. he's dumber than an egg!' and didn't waste any of her precious time blessing him either. vermonters tend to tell it straight and be done with it. if god wants to bless the fool, he doesn't need them to remind him. having lived in both areas i can honestly say i love them both, bless their hearts! and bless all of us, too! never saw such a bunch as we are for needing divine help for so many reasons, bless all our hearts! and of course, best of all. to quote tiny tim, " god bless us, every one!" since this is sunday i thought i would give a more religious observation than normal. those who have missed church, and those who never go (at least, not on sunday ;) ) have all been blessed thus taking care of that aspect of religion. now, go in peace, and don't forget to leave a piece for the next guy.

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