Thread: fence rail
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Old 10-17-2011, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by msawicki64
I am making my first fence rail quilt. I cut my strips 2 1/2 inches,sewed them at 1/4 inch and when you lay them side by side you can see they are the same size which is 8x8 but when you turn the second block to start making the fence rail the size doesn't match. What am I doing wrong? When I watch tutorials on this the I do according to the instructions. Please help. Thanks
Wouldn't it have to be that the strips were not all cut the same, or the 1/4" seam is off on some? You can turn the blocks over and measure the strips, and the seams, and maybe find the problem. When I have had that problem, I have found either the cutting or the seam was off. I have never made the Rail Fence, but I think someone else on the forum had that same problem with it recently. By the way........I love your fabrics!
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