Old 10-17-2011, 07:03 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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juli {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} to you. i truly hope the specialists are able to find the root of your problems. doctors are good at packing on the meds to take care of the symptoms but not the poblems. hang in there, know that many prayers are going up for you and find a way to keep your mental health well.


Originally Posted by Juli
My Doctor thinks the answer is just to keep putting me on more and and more medications...he has me on 5 seizure medications now and they aren't controlling them. One did help with my migraines and also helped me lose 30 pounds! LOL!! That one I'll keep! LOL!!!

Originally Posted by quiltnut4ever
Originally Posted by Juli
I just got a call from my Doctor's office the other day. He is going to stick me back in the hospital for another 5 days because my seizures haven't stopped, so he wants me monitored again to see if he can find out more answers at with a Specialist monitoring at Oregon Health Science Univeristy. I had no idea he was going to have me do all this again, but he decided a long time ago he was going to do this again, but never told me.
Juli I'm sending you hugs and hopefully the doctors can find what is wrong. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
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