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Old 10-17-2011, 01:49 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Lowell, MA
Posts: 14,083

Working with my hubby on anything is not fun. In our first house he decided we should finish off the basement, which I had no problem with, however, in mid Nov. in NH it was very, very cold, so I didn't wander down very often. There was indeed a tremor in the force when he had been working on putting a wall up, I came downstairs and told him his wall was crooked. He argued, of course, but I was right, and he was ticked off. I did help with putting up the walls after that as well as nailing in all the dry wall and every sheet of paneling in that room (we're talking 70's here folks). We did finish it together and it wasn't bad. Second house, same thing, finish off the basement, all went well until we started to paint the walls, he hurt himself and left me with 2 toddlers putting paint sticks in the paint and dribbling it on the floor (fortunately it was covered with newspaper), but I told him to take the kids and I finished it myself. Toddlers and paint - a recipe for pandemonium. I can only work with him in small stages now, not like it used to be.
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