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Old 10-17-2011, 05:50 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Grays River, WA.
Posts: 216

OK - Here is what I would do. The papers show time and place and provinence. I would just quickly divide quilt into sections and photocopy all the pieces on a grid.

That allows authentication- shows history and what was happening in and around the area the quilt was made.

Additionally, copied on buff paper after white photocopies
could be framed hung on the wall above quilts on rack or in the rooms.

That way you still preserve the 80-90 year history and the copies of the pieces used to make the quilts as well as the quilt itself, satisfying yourself and finding a creative way to lend interest about the quilt maker and for future generations.

This isn't about museum quality quilts rather family history
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