Thread: Ideal Jobs
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Old 07-18-2009, 04:38 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Posts: 10,357

I was really lucky, for over a decade I had my dream job...I worked in the book trade as a Contract Manager for a library supply company. I got to see all the latest releases and put them up for selection with the Library Board, buy the books, supervise the processing etc. etc. Very hectic, but rewarding. I have been away from work for about 3 years, trying to get my health "in order"...not sure if I will ever work full-time again, but I keep my fingers crossed for another opportunity, I love books, quilting and who knows where, next.

Things are tough in the workplace just now, I hope you all manage to find something that works for your situations.

Science is a difficult field ... my middle step-son has a science degree and he was advised part way through to take up a commerce degree to enable him to broaden his options. He took the advice, got the two degrees and has worked in London in the medical research field and now back in Aus. he is working for an instrument company in the mining and tech. area. He travels a lot but does get to work from home and tailor his hours to a certain extent.

I was thinking, how about this....a quilt/book store with a small tea-room attached...with resident cat....ah dream on....
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