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Old 10-18-2011, 03:28 AM
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I made my first quilt in 1967. At the time no one I knew was quilting. I have always been a handquilter, not piecer. Once a used a retangular floor frame I taught myself to quilt with both hands. I have handquilted a queen size quilt in as little as 6 weeks without driving myself crazy. Handquilting is something you can do with a group, while at a meeting for something else or just watching TV with your family etc. It can be totally portable and does not require electiricty. You could even listen to books on tape and kill two birds with one stone. I belong to two guilds and a small BEE. For those just getting into quilting it is an inexpensive way to learn. I small wholecloth pillow cover is a great way to see if you really want to do this without making a huge investment in machines etc.
I have several friends who purchased longarms and then took in other people's work to help pay for them. They get burned out in a hurry. The only thing I machine quilt is the many Linus Quilts I make each month. I knew the recepients will have no way to properly care for them or they will be put through a commercial laundry. I sleep under a handquilted quilt every night. While I don't launder any blankets or quilts everyweek except for those who directly touch a human body they do get laundered and have always held up for years. The first quilt I made over 40 years ago is still floating around in our garage. My husband lays on it if he has to get under the car or truck.
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