Thread: SO BUMMED :(
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Old 10-18-2011, 06:25 AM
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I've not read all the comments here and I'm sure you've received some excellent advice. I'll tell you what I've finally figured out to do for me.
First I move my sewing machine into the dining room and butt it up against the dining table. More surface for the quilt to rest on when I'm running it through the machine. Less drag on the quilt! Then I put a card table to the left of my chair to also support the quilt. I don't roll the quilt. I found that made a very hard lump of fabric that was just too hard to push around. Instead I scrunch the fabric into the throat of the machine until I get to the point that I'm going to start the quilting.
The best advice I have received is to then only worry about the fabric that is going under the needle. Let the rest of the quilt take care of itself.
The final advice I have. PLAY! I give myself permission to just have fun with the quilt. If it's not perfect, well, perhaps the next one will be. If I'm not having fun chances are I won't make another quilt and I do want to make more quilts. Each one is better than the last (usually!).
I hope some of this has helped. Go have some fun now.
P.S. You're quilt is lovely!
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