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Old 02-11-2007, 01:31 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,093

There are at least 2 ways to make these that I could see right off the bat.
1. Cut the center hex, make your sandwich, quilt it, then bring the binding to the front. Use the same method you would if you were going to "bind" a regular quilt that way.
2. Make hexagon log cabins (Sew strips around the edges of the front hex). Cut the back hex to match the front - after you've added the borders. place them right sides together. sew around all six edges, leaving about 2" open. clip your corners, turn them right-side out, and whipstitch to close the opening. then quilt 'em.

If you meant patterns for the embroidery on the front, I googled "iron on embroidery transfers". Didn't look past the first page, but found 2 interesting links to reasonable priced products. I'm sure there are more out there.
I don't know if WalMart still sells them in any of their stores.

If you go all the way through the batting and back when doing the running or straignt stitch outlines, but only thought the top fabric and a bit of the batting for knots, chains, etc, you can embroider and quilt your hexes at the same time.
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