Old 10-20-2011, 02:38 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Stoughton, WI
Posts: 412

Hi everyone!

Good news. med test came back normal so no tumor in my adrenal gland. Yah! Now if I can just adjust to the increase dose of the seize med I think I'll be home free. God is good. Would like to ask a favor though. I would like to ask for prayers for a little girl named Arianna. She is verry in and is in Childrens Hospital while they try to find out what is going on, they think maybe cancer. The parents are new to our town and are just joining our church so are just getting to know people. Thy have no family in this country so it's hard for them. Thanks everybody.

Missy, Congrats on your walking AND sitting! I remember when I couldn't fit in chairs it was so embarrassing. Sorry to hear about you hair. If you increase your protein will it start growing back? I hope so.

Xylie, It sounds like you cound use some cheering up. I think you're happier when you're supper busy. I wish I lived closer to you so we could see each other once in a while.

I already blew the cheese challenge yesterday. My DH took me out for lunch after med tests and the cook melted a piece of cheese on my egg. It was my fault because that's the way I always have it and I didn't tell them not to. I guess I was just so glad to be done being poked that I didn't think about it.

DH and I cleaned sewing area yesterday. What a job. We still have about a third of it left to go. Most of which is hubby's and he doesn't want me to touch it. SO technichally I only have just a little bit left to go. I'm ashamed to say I do have quit a few unfinished projects though. I really need to get going!

Well, I'm off for the day. Bible Study this morning then assemble church bulletins, then brunch with a friend, then home to make phone calls and work on my quilting. Thursday is my busy day.

God Bless everyone. Prayers to all.
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